Friday, February 6, 2009

Frank Turns Two

Frank turned two this week on February 2. I honestly cannot believe it has been two years since he joined us. Looking back over how much he has changed and how much we have changed with him in our lives is amazing. He has grown from 6 pounds to almost 30 pounds...Daddy used to hold him with one hand and now he gets up all by himself.

Frank is definitely a toddler. He has these amazing mood swings where he is crying and screaming and minutes later wants to snuggle or play. I cannot believe how independent he is at times and yet he only wants to sleep in "mommy's bed" We are struggling with sleeping at the moment but I know we will get through it.

Most amazing is knowing how much Frank loves us. Thoughts of him always make me smile and when he says "love you Mommy" I feel better. Sometimes I wish I had more time to spend with him but I just pray the time we do spend together is good time. He has learned so much from school - he talked in sentences and know the months now. He is all boy with pushing and wanting it now!

Remember Frank Mommy and Daddy love you no matter what...we just wish you would sleep in your bed!

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