Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thoughts on My Birthday

As I turn 36 and look back over the last year I am thankful for what God has provided.  We sold our house (finally), celebrated our 4th wedding annivarsary, celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and friends, Frank IV turned three years old and we moved the business.  It was a busy year - it went by very quickly!  I look forward to even more wonderful things during the next year. 

Sometimes it is hard when I get caught up in the every day same old - same old to remember the blessings that I do have.  It is easier to focus on the little bad things instead of the good things.  I am blessed with , a wonderful family, a great church (even if it is far away from our home right now), friends I can count on, a job and a being an American.  I can celebrate my faith freely and take a moment to smile when Frank tried to pick every single yellow dandelion "flower" for Mommy.  And I mean he wants to pick every single one. 

I can hardly remember life before Frank IV and all the changes he has brought.  Having a little one definitely helps bring you back to simple things and trying to find time to play.  Life is definately a bit crazy sometimes and I could do without the tantrums...but every day I get to spend with "my Franks" is a good day.  Now if we could get the poop in the potty instead of the pull up or briefs, even the tantrums might not be so bad.  LOL. 

Dear Lord:

Thank you for all the blessings you provide to me.  Please help me to slow down, enjoy them and take time to pass on your love to those around me. Grant me patience and the knowledge that comes from your still soft voice.  Help me to be more like Jesus and less like me.   Amen. 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Grace Softball Team Wins First Game 3.17.10

The Cahoons were the EH "extra hitters" for the Grace Softball team last night.  Lets just say Blakely has an on base perctage of 100.  I got on base both times - without swinging the bat.  Frank walked both times so I got to walk behind him.  I did not score since it was with two outs and the next batter got out but I did make to first base and I was ready to run.  Thankfully I did not to have to run since I am out of shape :).  We had a fun although cold time. 

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bible Study Verse for the week

"Then Jesus declared, I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirty."  John 6:35 NIV

"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, I am the light of thr world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  John 8:12 NIV