Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Dressing...

So Thanksgiving just would not Thanksgiving without dressing...or so says Grandma after Frank forgot to pick up the dressing we ordered at Little Pigs BBQ. We ordered our smoked turkey but he forgot dressing. Well that is Grandma's favorite part so I had a food emergency Wednesday night.

I called in the big gun Aunt Jean to give me the recipe. Well it went something like this...

AJ: (After laughing) I am not sure what to tell you since I do not measure. I just know how to do it. Make some cornbread - you can use jiffy mix. Then get some biscuits and crumble it up.

B: What?? Do I cook the conrbread first? How do I crumble it up? You put biscuits in dressing??

Uncle Bill in the background...laughing really loudly "Tell her to cook it first!" What is she thinking.

AJ: Then you saute onions and celery in butter and add it together with eggs and poulty seasoning and chicken broth. Then you taste it.

B: It is okay to buy the celery and onions already cut up? How many eggs? What kind of chicken broth? Poultry what? ....What does it taste like since i have never had it??

***You can imagine the conversation***

However, all was well as Aunt Jean's dressing made it to the table and Mom really liked it. I am putting in a picture as proof I really did it. I may not be able to do it again but I got it done in 2008!

1 comment:

ChezWhat said...

HILARIOUS!!! So glad it turned out well.