I had a great time at the basketball game last night in Columbia even though my Gamecocks lost. Kim and Andy joined me for a fun evening at the Colonial Life Arena. At the beginning of the game SC looked great then they fell behind from there but they still scored 85+ points. However they did not give up even at the end they were still scrapping for the ball. That is a welcome change from last year! I think that the Gamecocks will do better this year and if we can get a big man even better next year! And hopefully the Gamecock baseball team comes through again and beats Clemson!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Update on Granddaddy Frank
We are very thankful that Granddaddy had successful laproscopic surgery on his gall bladder on December 23. The doctors were able to get his infection treated as well. He went home Christmas Eve tired but feeling much better. Hopefully he will continue to improve!
Merry Christmas
I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. We had a great Christmas and got to visit with family and friends. Frank wanted Grandmama-ma the whole time (and Pap when Grandmama-ma upset him). Frank really wanted to play on Mama-ma's new Wii fitness so she picked him up to dodge shoes, bears and soccer balls. he loved it!! He did not want Grandmama-ma to leave the house without him. The whole time driving down he was "We go Grandmama-ma's house? where Mama-ma?"
Frank loved all of his presents, especially "colors" (crayons), easel, his new books, blocks, toys, trike and everything else he managed to get. He is much loved Frank Frank! He was ready to start creating his own masterpieces as soon as he saw what Santa brought! I think the easel will be a favorite for some time to come. He also enjoyed the Thomas train phone.
At Mom's house we got to visit with Uncle Winfield, Aunt May, Aunt Barbara and Kaela. We also went to see Abbey who is one of Frank's biggest fans. She was so sweet that she gave Frank a toy of her own to play with and let him keep along with some bells she got at church. We also saw Ms Karen where played with her granddaughter's play house. He thought the Barbies were "babies."
We had a nice visit with Dad, Lu and family (although we missed Sharon and Lisa this time). Frank and Sheldon got along really well...Frank was just following Sheldon around to try and play with the big boy toys! The whole time we were at Poppy Bob's house Frank wanted to get in the pond or look for geese! He really loves the water. When we were leaving he said "bye Pop Pop"
Thanks to everyone and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Prayer Request for Granddaddy
Granddaddy is having emergency gall bladder surgery right now in Virginia. Please join us in praying for his quick recovery and for the medical staff working on him. Plus prayers for Nannie and Leanne there in Virginia. We love you Granddaddy!
Happy Birthday Grandma!
Today is Grandmama's birthday. Frank IV called her this morning and something like Happy Birthday...."hahpy bbithdy Mama-ma" . I told him were going to Mama-ma's house and he kept looking. We opened the front door and he was like "no mama-ma here!" and only the secret stash of gummy bears he found kept him from being fussy. We are looking forward to Christmas visits in the next few days.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Countdown the new business opening date
We are only 9 day away from operating our new store. We are looking forward to getting started. We are thinking of ways to organize the existing merchandise and samples along with adding in our new items. We are hoping to add at least twenty (20%) percent more soon. We are also working on our trip to the market in Atlanta in a couple of weeks as well to check out old and new vendors. It is going to be a busy and hopefully fun trip.
Pre-Christmas Visit with Nana
We met Aunt Jean, Aunt Kent, Uncle Tommy and Jennifer and Nana in Laurens on Sunday December 21. We had a nice lunch at Roma's on the Square. Considering it was nap time Frank IV did pretty well. The whole way he said going to "Na-na-na's house? See Na-na-na? " He would say Aunt Jean and Aunt Kent or Jennifer (Kit) but not much once we got there. He even said "bye bye Jen-i-fer" in car. Frank IV went straight to Nana though and pulled out his toys there, including his puzzle which he gave to Nana to hold while he took the pieces in and out. When we left the restaurant he got upset because Nana rode back to her house with Aunt Jean and he wanted Nana with him! Too cute!
Aunt Jean headed back home to Atlanta and the rest went to Myrtle Beach to spend Christmas there.
Quick Visit with Brooks and Julie Saturday 12/20/08
We met Brooks and Julie at Maurices BBQ on Satuday. They enjoyed seeing Frank IV run around (literally). He has gotten much bigger since the last time they saw him. We gave them their small present and was glad to get spent at least some time together.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Frank's Christmas Program December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas with Santa

Enjoy Christmas Santa Picture!
Last night we had pictures made in Frank's Christmas outfit and went and sat on Santa's lap at the mall. Frank did great in the first picture then he started crying. Then after about 5 minutes he tried again and got a non crying picture. Then he was all smiles saying "bye-bye Ho Ho, night night Ho Ho." All of course while having a poopy diaper with no extras in diaper bag made Mommy have a stressful time. We got some cute pictures at JCPenney's even as Frank ran around the picture area.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
"Ah Man" & Lights
Frank IV new favorite thing to say is "ah man" and "lights" "pretty lights" "color lights" and "ohh lights"
I am not sure why I said ah man about something. Maybe it was watching a football/basketball game or while driving but Frank picked right up on it. He just randomly says ah man. It is really funny how he picks up on everything...and I mean everything we say.
Frank has gotten to where he likes to read about 10 books a night before we go to bed. Last night I picked up my library book thinking he was almost asleep on the couch and he jumped up to push it away to give me "his books." He loves the ones with flaps and animal noises. Peek a Boo Zoo has been read the last several nights along with Bubbles..., Runaway Bunny, Biscuit's Easter Egg Hunt(he loves to look for the eggs), Spot's treasure hunt, Good Night Blue, If Your Happy taggie book, One, Two, Three, Goodnight Book, Animal Farm Book, Goodnight You, Goodnight Me, Bubbles again.
We love books and music. I like it when Frank IV tries to read to the book himself. I told him to read one to the "babies" (bear, prayer baby, bear blankie, puppy) in his bed the other night and he took the book (upside down of course) and was showing them the pictures. This morning he took Peter Rabbit and was "reading" it to me on the way to school.
In the same thoughts, this weekend on Saturday Frank fell asleep in my arms. He just crashed after running around like a crazy toddler. I love that he wants to snuggle and a quiet time. It reminds my why I love being a Mommy and how blessed I am to have my family, even when my Franks drive me to distraction.
The Nutcracker
Mylene and I went to see the Nutcracker for Christmas on Dec 13, 2008 at the Koger Center with the Columbia City Ballet. It was a girls night for Christmas! It was a great show despite our original seats being in a funny place. We moved for a better view and enjoyed the show. We had a nice dinner before hand at Longhorn's in the Vista. We were lucky enough to get parking spots up close which was good since it was chilly when the show got out. The little cherub stole the show along with the baby mice and baby candies. All of the dancers were did a good job.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Jingle Bells...Christmas Lights

Frank's class is getting ready for their performance next week by practicing Jingle Bells. They will be singing and ringing bells and dancing/jumping around. He is really cute singing. He sings "jinga bell, jinga bell, jinga all way, hey" and dances around. After the song ends Frank says "again". He does really good job right now so I hope being in front of people will not inhibit him. I heard his class practicing earlier this week and they are really cute.
Frank IV loves Christmas lights. He says "color lights", "pretty lights", "lights" and "LIGHTS". Frank is having fun seeing lights and he keeps wanting to touch our tree. He also likes the ornaments..although he tries to throw the "balls."
*From Wikapedia. "Jingle Bells", also known as "One Horse Open Sleigh", is one of the best known and commonly sung secular Christmas songs in the world. It was written by James Lord Pierpont (1822–1893) and copyrighted under the title 'One Horse Open Sleigh' on September 16, 1857. The song has been translated into many languages, was made in thanks giving by the composer.*
Monday, December 8, 2008
Gloria by John Rutter
Our Grace choir sang Gloria by John Rutter yesterday at the 11am. It was a very nice and moving service. The choir sang great and the digital organ and brass and percussion were outstanding! After months of hard work it was worth it to celebrate the Glory of God.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Official Business Ownership...
It is official. We have signed the paperwork and are taking over the business on January 1, 2009. What a way to start the new year!
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